Wildfire Mitigation Plan (WMP) Blueprint
Utilities are seeking to protect their systems from escalating wildfire devastation by establishing Wildfire Mitigation Plans (WMPs). BKI’s standardized WMP Template (Plan and Mapping) is tailored to meet each state’s requirements while helping utility staff develop operational policies and practices to reduce, prepare for and respond to wildfire events.
More Information
Daily Situational Awareness Tool
URC’s Daily Situational Awareness Tool (DSAT) is being developed by industry partners dedicated to providing access to easy-to-use and interpret information to help utilities make informed operational decisions around extreme weather.
More About Our Daily Situational Awareness Tool
Equipment Qualification Procedure Tool
Is your substation prepared to survive an earthquake? Use Waypoint Seismic’s Equipment Qualification Procedure Tool (EQPT) to specify seismic requirements for equipment to improve seismic resiliency and help protect substations from costly outages and damage.
Use the EQPT
Utility Tools R&D
URC is dedicated to working with utilities, vendors, and other Content Collaborators to develop standardized content, programs, and products that are of value to the utility industry. Think of the URC as the Research & Development arm or incubator for common utility needs.
More about Utility Tools R&D